Heavenly Shield

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Guardian Skill.png

Heavenly Shield, called Guardian in Epic Battle Fantasy 3 and 4, is a special skill available for all characters in Epic Battle Fantasy 3 and everyone but Lance in Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and 5.


When cast, an image of a golden shield appears over a single ally, quickly sprouting wings to either side before vanishing. Its effects vary between appearances, but it always gives the target a significant boost to their Defence and Magic Defence; interestingly, each successive appearance has less effects in exchange for making the remaining ones stronger.

Heavenly Shield essentially combines Protect and Barrier, but targets only a single ally instead of the entire team. It is particularly useful for re-buffing allies who lost their buffs due to their death, Dispel, or who were simply in the backup slot in EBF4. It also makes good turn compression for some of EBF5's limited-player challenges, such as the Battle Arena, the Data Bunker, or a 1P Custom Game.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Guardian is unlocked by completing a quest in Glacier Valley for Celeste; it can be learned by any player. It slightly heals the target while buffing Defence, Magic Defence, and Evade.

EBF3 Skill Guardian.png
Buffs one ally's defence, magic defence, and evade.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Ally Magical ---- Stat Defence.pngStat Mdef.png
Stat Evade.png
-- -- 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 5 -- 20%
6 500
2 5 -- 30%
10 1000
3 5 -- 40%
14 2000
4 5 -- 50%
18 4000
5 5 -- 60%
22 8000

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Guardian can be learned by Matt, Natalie, or Anna. It no longer heals the target, but its buffs are slightly stronger per level.

Guardian is found in the Temple of Godcat's spike puzzle screen, in the left chest blocked by a battle that appears as an Ancient Eye.

EBF4 Skill Guardian.png
Buffs an ally's defence, magic defence, and evade.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Ally -- ---- Stat Defence.pngStat Mdef.png
Stat Evade.png
-- -- --
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 -- -- 30%
6 500
2 -- -- 40%
10 1000
3 -- -- 50%
14 2000
4 -- -- 60%
19 4000
5 -- -- 70%
25 8000

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Heavenly Shield now has a one-turn cooldown and no longer buffs Evade; however, its AP costs per level are lower and its defensive buffs are stronger than ever. When fully upgraded, it only requires two pieces of buff-boosting equipment to reach the buff cap, which can be useful in a hybrid build (such as Natalie's buff/debuff build). As in EBF4, it can be learned by any character besides Lance; before the v2 update, Anna also couldn't learn it.

Heavenly Shield is earned from completing Canela's quest in the Redpine Town graveyard, which becomes accessible after the party has entered The Rapture for the first time. To complete the quest, obtain Green Keycards from defeating the enemies on the same screen.

EBF5 Skill Heavenly Shield.png
Heavenly Shield
Buffs an ally's defence and magic defence.
  • Has a 1-turn cooldown.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Ally -- ---- Stat Defence.png
Stat Mdef.png
-- -- --
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
1 -- -- 40%
2 -- -- 50%
3 -- -- 60%
4 -- -- 70%
5 -- -- 80%


  • Heavenly Shield can be considered the defensive counterpart to Temper and Star Power, being a powerful single-target buffing skill that has a 1-turn cooldown in EBF5.