Glacier Valley

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Glacier Valley boss, Tundra Mammoth

Glacier Valley is the fourth area in Epic Battle Fantasy 3, after Rock Lake and before Kitten Kingdom Ruins. It is a cold, snowy environment with predominately ice-based enemies. In contrast, Glacier Valley also contains an underground volcano, which affects parts of the map, generating fire-based enemies as well. The boss of the area is the Tundra Mammoth, which absorbs Ice attacks but it is weak against Fire ones.

Ice Sculptures

  • The top left and top middle sections only have a stray snow cat. All sections but the lower left have at least one snow cat.
  • In the upper-right section there is a collection of four snow-cats right above the log pile
  • In the middle-right section there are three snow bunnies with leaf ears below the short tree. There is also a small cat with a fez perched on a large tree.
  • There is a snow sculpture depicting four heroes of some sort defending a castle in the lower right section. This is possibly a reference to Castle Crashers. There is also a snow rabbit and a snow cat in the rocks to the right.
  • The lower middle section has a Pichu-esque sculpture placed dead center in the middle of the screen, while a Kirby sculpture is placed over to the right edge of the screen. Snow cat on the far left.
  • The bottom left section of the screen has an actual snowman in the center of the screen. There is a dog sculpture on the right side of the screen and additional snow rabbits atop the left igloo.
  • The middle left section has a snow cat on the left side. It also has four snow sculptures depicting what appear to be the Warriors of Light (aesthetically but also alluded to by the dialogue while walking by the sculpture for the first time) from the original Final Fantasy: (from right to left) the Warrior/Fighter, the White Mage, the Thief and the Black Mage.


Main article: Epic Battle Fantasy 3 Map/World Map
4 5 6
I I4GlacierValley.png I5GlacierValley.png I6GlacierValley.png
J J4GlacierValley.png J5GlacierValley.png J6GlacierValley.png
K K4GlacierValley.png K5GlacierValley.png K6GlacierValley.png



  • Map I6 : Three chests. Two in the upper left corner after fighting a Giant Blue Slime, one hidden in the lower right corner. Head west from the bottom left corner to reach one of the chests in map I5.
  • Map J6 : Five chests. Two on the top left are accessible from map J5. Bottom left and upper right chests are behind a monster,
  • Map K6 : Three chests. The top right chest is accessible from the bottom right corner of map J6. The center right chest is reached by approaching from the top, then squeezing right between the two horizontal logs. The bottom right chest is behind a monster.
  • Map K5 : Four chests. The right chest is reached from the left side of map K6 by squeezing above the NPC. Top center chest is accessible by heading south from map J5. Leftmost chest is accessible by heading east from map K4.
  • Map K4 : Two chests and two igloos containing items.
  • Map J4: Seven chests. Five chests on the left are from heading north from the left side of map K4. Two chests on the upper center are accessible by heading to the upper right corner of J4 and then heading due west.
  • Map J5 : Two chests.
  • Map I5 : Two chests. Access the bottom right chest by heading west from the bottom left corner of map I6.
  • Map I4 : Four chests. Beat the boss to reach them. Contains a warp zone on the middle right side (white star stone)