Big Root

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Big Root is an Earth-elemental skill in Epic Battle Fantasy 5 used by foes and available to players through the special effects of equipment.


When cast, a long root sprouts from below the target, dealing earth elemental damage with a chance to Poison them. The appearance of the root changes depending on the user, it is light brown when used by Laurelin or cast by equipment, or dark brown when used by Telperion.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

It's available to players as an auto spell from the Elder's Wisdom (staff) and the Alt Fairy Bow (bow).

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Big Root Single Varies Physical 50% EBF5 Element Earth.png 50% 3x EBF5 Status Poison.png 100% 10% 10%
Notes: Power is 150 (60 before the v2 update) when initiated as an auto spell, 80 when used by Telperion, and 60 when used by Laurelin.