Glitchy (skill)

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Glitchy, displayed as ``¬;%/0xFF in-game, is a non-elemental special skill in Epic Battle Fantasy 4, available to all players except Anna, it was introduced in the v3 update of the game.


When used, glitched particle effects appear all over the screen, this inflicts random status effects on everyone on the field, both allies and enemies, that said, the exact mechanics for each side are different.

For enemies, it just has a chance to inflict the same assortment of status effects as the Random status present on weapons like the Alchemist's Bow or Alchemy Set. On the other hand, for allies, it selects from a specific subset of statuses (mostly beneficial statuses, with only Berserk and Doom being detrimental), and then always inflicts 4 stacks of the selected status (except for Defend, which is always one turn only) on each player, this also ignores player resistances/immunities and Bless.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Glitchy is one of the new skills added with the v3 update, it can be obtained in the Battle Mountain. It's a hidden secret located in one of the bottom right blocks in the spike puzzle screen, after defeating the Praetorian MKII on the previous screen.

EBF4 Skill Glitchy.png
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
All -- ---- Status Random.png 100% -- --
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 -- 70% -- -- 5000
Note: Also grants all allies (including backup) 4 stacks of one of the following statuses at random: Defend (2/12), Morale (2/12), Auto-Revive (2/12), Regen (2/12), Brave (1/12), Bless (1/12), Doom (1/12), or Berserk (1/12).