Epic Battle Fantasy 4 Map/I8 Waste Disposal Plant

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Image 433 big.png
  • Activate Switch I to lower the spikes in your path and continue east.
  • If you have a Steel Key, you can reach the chest in the lower-left corner of the room by activating Switch II. Remember to deactivate it afterwards to continue on!
  • Once you have the Hammer, you can create a shortcut through this room (which will come in handy for reaching the secret boss).


  • Copper Fish (must be cleared to progress): Two waves.
  • Drill Bot (guards Chest #1): Copper Fish (x3), Drill Bot (x2)
  • Sludge Slime (guards Chest #2): Two waves.
    • Wave #1: Sludge Slime (x5)
    • Wave #2: Sludge Slime (x3), Copper Fish (x2)