Epic Battle Fantasy 4 Map/C0 Boss Area

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Image 120 big.png
  • Jungle boss time!
  • You don't have to fight the Flowers (aside from the Stunflower guarding a chest), but they're good for some extra XP or a refresher on how to fight the boss's backup.
  • Once you beat the boss, cross the bridge and head right to progress.


  • Stunflower (guards Chest #1): Two waves.
  • Florn: Two waves.
  • Frose: Two waves.
    • Wave #1: Frose (x3), Heasy (x2)
    • Wave #2: Frose (x2), Evil Mushroom (x2), Heasy
  • Rafflesia: Florn, Frose, Rafflesia, Stunflower, Heasy