Electric Blast

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Electric Blast (also known as Thunder Blast in Epic Battle Fantasy 4) is a Thunder-elemental skill in Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and 5, used primarily by foes or through special effects of equipment.


When cast, a massive yellow explosion engulfs the target party before quickly dissipating into a cluster of sparks. This deals heavy magical Thunder-elemental damage to all targets and also has a moderate chance to inflict Stagger.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Originally only used by the Lightning Sprite and Thunder Elemental, it later became available to players as a bonus skill from the Stormsplitter (sword) added with the v3 update.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Thunder Blast All Variable Magical 100% Element Thunder.png 40% -- Status Stagger.png 130% 10% 10%
Notes: Power is 45 when cast by foes, or 80% of host skill's power when initiated by Stormsplitter.
Has 100% accuracy instead when used by foes.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

It is only used by the Defender Mk III and the Topaz Ore, the latter as its suicide attack.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Thunder Blast All 65 Magical 100% EBF5 Element Thunder.png 40% 1x EBF5 Status Stagger.png 100% 10% 10%
Notes: Power is reduced to 22 and status chance to 10% when used by the Topaz Ore.