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Item Bob-omb.png

The Bob-omb is an item in Epic Battle Fantasy. It is a black bomb with two white eyes and yellow feet. It is an attack item that can be thrown at a foe, dealing massive magical damage. While unmentioned in-game, the Bob-omb's damage is affected by the victim's Magic Defence and Airstrike resistance, but not the user's offensive stats.

Bob-ombs can be purchased for 600 Gold at either shop.


Name Target Power R.Power Type Status Effect RdF
Bob-omb Single 10500 -- -- Stat Magic Defence.png -- -- -- 10%
Notes: Isn't affected by user's offensive stats, but still affected by target's Magic Defence
Deals damage based on enemy Airstrike resist.


  • The Bob-Omb is a recurring enemy from the Mario series. Its use as an item dates back to its first appearance in Super Mario Bros. 2, but became especially prevalent in the Mario Kart spinoffs.
  • In later games, the Bob-omb is replaced by the Hand Bomb, due to trademark issues.
  • The Bob-omb is the first item in the Epic Battle Fantasy series that can be thrown at enemies. Subsequent games would introduce a wider variety of throwable items, such as the Stunner, the Shuriken, and the Brick.