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Provides a way to display a list of attacks and abilities of a foe, arranging their usual stats, such as power and element, into a table. The template is oriented towards EBF3-5; its usage for EBF1 and 2 is entirely possible, but keep in mind not all parameters make sense for these games. The template supports up to 15 attacks at the same time.


Not necessarily in this order, but it's strongly recommended to keep it for sake of standardization. For the full copy-and-paste version, see the bottom of the page.

|Game = 
|LabelHeader = 
|LabelAttack = 
|Attack№ = 
|Target№ = 
|Power№ = 
|Type№ = 
|Element%№ = 
|Element№ = 
|StatusChance№ = 
|StatusStrength№ = 
|StatusIcon№ = 
|Acc№ = 
|Crit№ = 
|RdF№ = 
|Notes№ = 
(repeat those with №)
  • Game: Set to "EBF5" to display EBF5's element icons instead of EBF4's.
  • LabelHeader: Renames the header, "Attack List". Use only when describing something else than a foe's attacks.
  • LabelAttack: Renames the first column, "Attack". Use only when describing something else than a foe's attacks, e.g., listing EBF3 Unleashes.
  • Attack: The name of the attack. Some attacks have no official names; in that case, try to come up with a short but visuals-descriptive name. All player-accessible spells should be linked to. This parameter must be specified.
  • Target: Targetting mode. This parameter must be specified. For recommended terminology, see the column's hover-over text.
    • In EBF5, there's several types of random targetting. Use Notes to describe the difference when it isn't the standard "retargets every hit at ccomplete random, targets only alive ones" one.
  • Type: Whether the attack is "Physical" or "Magical". When the ability has no direct damage or the heal doesn't scale off caster's stats, use "None" (default). Accepts custom values for complicated attacks.
  • Element%: Element degree/percentage. Leave empty if the ability is non-elemental or does no damage. Is added before the next parameter, allowing to fiddle around for complicated attacks.
  • Element: Attack's element. Use "None" (default) if the ability is non-elemental or healing. This parameter utilizes "ElemIcon" or "ElemIcon5" templates, so check those to see what can be entered.
  • StatusChance: Chance of inflicting a status/(de)buff. If it guaranteedly applies and cannot miss, leave the parameter empty. Read the hovertip for more details. Leave empty if the attack may not inflict any effects.
    • Since EBF4, if a players-associated upgrade-able spell is used by a foe, power and status/debuff chance defaults to that of spell's level 1 unless specified otherwise. Just so you know.
    • Any extra statuses that happen only on high difficulties should not be specified there, but rather in Notes.
  • StatusStrength: Length/strength of the effect. In format like "3x" for status effects and "20%" for (de)buffs, without the - for debuffs. If the status isn't lasting (like Dispel) or the attack has no statuses/(de)buffs, leave this parameter empty.
    • Don't forget slight between-games differences, such as Freeze lasting forever until distrupted in EBF3, but having an actual length in other games. These are up to you to handle.
  • StatusIcon: An icon to display. It is recommended to use the "Si" template for games before EBF5, or "Si5" for EBF5. Leave empty if the attack has no statuses/(de)buffs.
  • Acc: Attack's accuracy. Leave empty if accuracy is not applicable (for buffs and healing).
  • Crit: Base critical hit chance. Leave empty if inapplicable (for non-damaging abilities and healing).
  • RdF: Randomness factor, depicts damage dispersion. Leave empty if inapplicable (for non-damaging abilities).
  • Notes: Some attacks are complicated and cannot be described with just those parameters. This is where Notes become useful. They are present as is, and are used for explaining any other aspects of the attack, such as increased status chance on higher difficulties. Leave empty if no Notes are necessary.

Parameters you leave empty should be left out completely, to avoid filling the page with parameters that are not even used.



|Attack1 = Clutch
|Target1 = Single
|Power1 = 40
|Type1 = Physical
|Acc1 = 100%
|Crit1 = 10%
|RdF1 = 10%

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Clutch Single 40 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%

More advanced. Utilizes status effects, using the <br /> tag to put multiple status effects into a single attack, and shows usage of Notes.

|Attack1 = [[Bubble Blast]]
|Target1 = All
|Power1 = 15
|Type1 = Magical
|Element%1 = 100%
|Element1 = Water
|StatusChance1 = 40%<br />30%
|StatusStrength1 = 1x<br />20%
|StatusIcon1 = {{si|wet}}<br />{{si|atkdown}}
|Acc1 = 100%
|Crit1 = 10%
|RdF1 = 10%

|Attack2 = Ground Pound
|Target2 = All
|Power2 = 40
|Type2 = Physical
|Element%2 = 50%
|Element2 = Earth
|StatusChance2 = 20%
|StatusIcon2 = {{si|stagger}}
|Acc2 = 90%
|Crit2 = 10%
|RdF2 = 20%
|Notes2 = On Hard and Epic difficulties, is immediately followed by casting Log on a random player at the same turn.

|Attack3 = [[Log]]
|Target3 = Single
|Power3 = 30
|Type3 = Physical
|Element%3 = 50%
|Element3 = Earth
|StatusChance3 = 50%
|StatusIcon3 = {{si|stagger}}
|Acc3 = 100%
|Crit3 = 20%
|RdF3 = 10%
|Notes3 = Is used only in conjunction with Ground Pound.

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Bubble Blast All 15 Magical 100% Element Water.png 40%
Status Wet.png
StatDown Attack.png
100% 10% 10%
Ground Pound All 40 Physical 50% Element Earth.png 20% -- Status Stagger.png 90% 10% 20%
Notes: On Hard and Epic difficulties, is immediately followed by casting Log on a random player at the same turn.
Log Single 30 Physical 50% Element Earth.png 50% -- Status Stagger.png 100% 20% 10%
Notes: Is used only in conjunction with Ground Pound.

More examples:

Full code

Copy-paste this onto an article and start filling it.

|Game = 
|LabelHeader = 
|LabelAttack = 

|Attack1 = 
|Target1 = 
|Power1 = 
|Type1 = 
|Element%1 = 
|Element1 = 
|StatusChance1 = 
|StatusStrength1 = 
|StatusIcon1 = 
|Acc1 = 
|Crit1 = 
|RdF1 = 
|Notes1 = 

|Attack2 = 
|Target2 = 
|Power2 = 
|Type2 = 
|Element%2 = 
|Element2 = 
|StatusChance2 = 
|StatusStrength2 = 
|StatusIcon2 = 
|Acc2 = 
|Crit2 = 
|RdF2 = 
|Notes2 = 

|Attack3 = 
|Target3 = 
|Power3 = 
|Type3 = 
|Element%3 = 
|Element3 = 
|StatusChance3 = 
|StatusStrength3 = 
|StatusIcon3 = 
|Acc3 = 
|Crit3 = 
|RdF3 = 
|Notes3 = 

|Attack4 = 
|Target4 = 
|Power4 = 
|Type4 = 
|Element%4 = 
|Element4 = 
|StatusChance4 = 
|StatusStrength4 = 
|StatusIcon4 = 
|Acc4 = 
|Crit4 = 
|RdF4 = 
|Notes4 = 

|Attack5 = 
|Target5 = 
|Power5 = 
|Type5 = 
|Element%5 = 
|Element5 = 
|StatusChance5 = 
|StatusStrength5 = 
|StatusIcon5 = 
|Acc5 = 
|Crit5 = 
|RdF5 = 
|Notes5 = 

|Attack6 = 
|Target6 = 
|Power6 = 
|Type6 = 
|Element%6 = 
|Element6 = 
|StatusChance6 = 
|StatusStrength6 = 
|StatusIcon6 = 
|Acc6 = 
|Crit6 = 
|RdF6 = 
|Notes6 = 

|Attack7 = 
|Target7 = 
|Power7 = 
|Type7 = 
|Element%7 = 
|Element7 = 
|StatusChance7 = 
|StatusStrength7 = 
|StatusIcon7 = 
|Acc7 = 
|Crit7 = 
|RdF7 = 
|Notes7 = 

|Attack8 = 
|Target8 = 
|Power8 = 
|Type8 = 
|Element%8 = 
|Element8 = 
|StatusChance8 = 
|StatusStrength8 = 
|StatusIcon8 = 
|Acc8 = 
|Crit8 = 
|RdF8 = 
|Notes8 = 

|Attack9 = 
|Target9 = 
|Power9 = 
|Type9 = 
|Element%9 = 
|Element9 = 
|StatusChance9 = 
|StatusStrength9 = 
|StatusIcon9 = 
|Acc9 = 
|Crit9 = 
|RdF9 = 
|Notes9 = 

|Attack10 = 
|Target10 = 
|Power10 = 
|Type10 = 
|Element%10 = 
|Element10 = 
|StatusChance10 = 
|StatusStrength10 = 
|StatusIcon10 = 
|Acc10 = 
|Crit10 = 
|RdF10 = 
|Notes10 = 

|Attack11 = 
|Target11 = 
|Power11 = 
|Type11 = 
|Element%11 = 
|Element11 = 
|StatusChance11 = 
|StatusStrength11 = 
|StatusIcon11 = 
|Acc11 = 
|Crit11 = 
|RdF11 = 
|Notes11 = 

|Attack12 = 
|Target12 = 
|Power12 = 
|Type12 = 
|Element%12 = 
|Element12 = 
|StatusChance12 = 
|StatusStrength12 = 
|StatusIcon12 = 
|Acc12 = 
|Crit12 = 
|RdF12 = 
|Notes12 = 

|Attack13 = 
|Target13 = 
|Power13 = 
|Type13 = 
|Element%13 = 
|Element13 = 
|StatusChance13 = 
|StatusStrength13 = 
|StatusIcon13 = 
|Acc13 = 
|Crit13 = 
|RdF13 = 
|Notes13 = 

|Attack14 = 
|Target14 = 
|Power14 = 
|Type14 = 
|Element%14 = 
|Element14 = 
|StatusChance14 = 
|StatusStrength14 = 
|StatusIcon14 = 
|Acc14 = 
|Crit14 = 
|RdF14 = 
|Notes14 = 

|Attack15 = 
|Target15 = 
|Power15 = 
|Type15 = 
|Element%15 = 
|Element15 = 
|StatusChance15 = 
|StatusStrength15 = 
|StatusIcon15 = 
|Acc15 = 
|Crit15 = 
|RdF15 = 
|Notes15 = 