Snow Cats

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Snow Cats being cast against a group of foes. The Berserk hitting the Panda Bear is from the damage dealt, not the attack itself.

Snow Cats is an expert Ice-elemental skill available for all players in Epic Battle Fantasy 5.


When cast, cat-shaped snow sculptures pop out below each enemy, dealing magical Ice-elemental damage with a high chance to inflict Chill. The cats have varying facial expressions.

While burdened with a 2-turn cooldown, Snow Cats is a noticeably more powerful multi-target attack than Ice Storm; additionally, its high Chill chance makes it an effective component of Freeze combos. For instance, using Snow Cats with Bubble Blast can Freeze all non-resistant foes at once, leaving them vulnerable to the powerful skill or Limit Break of the player's choosing. It's also notable as one of the very few Ice attacks available for Lance and NoLegs; the former generally gets more use out of it, given his preference for magic.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Snow Cats is the upgraded form of Snow Bunnies.

EBF5 Skill Snow Cats.png
Snow Cats
Strong ice magic which hits all enemies, and sets up freezing combos.
  • May chill targets.
  • Has a 2-turn cooldown.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
All Magical 100% EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Status Chill.png 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
3 60 80% 2x 1200
4 90 100% 2x 2500
5 130 120% 2x 5000