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Pixels are a group of foes introduced in Epic Battle Fantasy 5.


Pixels resemble existing foes, but with a pixelated appearance to make them resemble 16-bit graphics. They lack idle animations, only shifting side to side occasionally, may spawn in an irregular manner (upside down or off position) and their combat animations only consist of bright flashes. Instead of exploding like regular foes, Pixels will turn red and slowly vanish while shaking.

Pixels are found almost exclusively in the Glitch Areas that appear around the world when certain conditions are met, with each Pixel inhabiting a specific Glitch Area.


Pixels are much stronger than the common enemies they are based off of. They have actually decent stats and abilities, with many of their skills inflicting various status effects. Some Pixels have a gimmick unique to their species, and may require particularly specific methods of dealing with them. Other than that, Pixels are still quite simplistic foes. Their status effects can be blocked by Bless, and defensive buffs will help reduce the damage they can inflict.

Pixels have varied resistances that usually mirror their non-Pixel counterparts, elements and statuses alike. There are a few minor differences between the two, but nothing that will cause the player any trouble.


Epic Battle Fantasy 5