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Haunt cast on a Chimera Bear in EBF4

Haunt is a recurring Dark-elemental skill in the Epic Battle Fantasy series, used primarily by foes or through special effects of equipment. It has appeared in Epic Battle Fantasy 2, 3 and 4, undergoing major changes with each game; it also makes an appearance in Epic Battle Fantasy 5 following the v2 update.


When cast, a black portal manifests underneath the target, emitting an eerie hum as it releases dozens of small black phantoms with red eyes. This deals pure Dark magic damage along with a serious debuff; the debuff changes between games, but frequently makes the victim much more susceptible to damage.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Note: While they do not "use" the spell, the Dark Players play the animation on their defeat.

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

Inaccessible to players, Haunt is only used by the Zombie Hydra. It targets both players with above-average Accuracy and hits four times, with each hit having a fairly high risk of lowering an offensive or defensive stat.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc RdF
Haunt All 800
Stat Magic.png 100% Element Dark.png 60% 20% EBF5 StatDown Attack.png
EBF5 StatDown Magic.png
EBF5 StatDown Defence.png
EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png
120% 10%

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Still inaccessible to players, Haunt is used by the Dark Clay, the Dark Golem and the Rune Claw (the latter only when Akron is in Dark mode). It only targets one player and has normal accuracy, but it hits five times and has far more debilitation potential. Not only has it gained a much higher infliction chance and the ability to inflict Doom, its stat debuffs have become much stronger; if a debuff takes effect, it will always bring the stat to -50% unless the target has heavy resistance to the relevant debuff.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Haunt Single 35/5 Magical 100% Element Dark.png 80% 300%
StatDown Attack.png
StatDown Magic.png
StatDown Defence.png
StatDown Mdef.png
Status Doom.png
100% 10% 10%
Notes: Each hit inflicts one ailment/debuff, selected at random, Doom is twice as likely to be selected.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Haunt is now accessible to the players, but only as a bonus spell from the Devil's Sunrise sword. Unlike previous appearances, it only hits once and its previous effects have been replaced by a high chance to inflict a ridiculous number of Curse stacks, degrading the target's defenses over time while making them more vulnerable to Holy damage.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Haunt Single Variable Magical 100% Element Dark.png 80% 8x Status Curse.png 100% 10% 10%
Notes: Power is 35 when cast by foes, or 50% of host skill's power when initiated by Devil's Sunrise.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Haunt returns in the v2 update of Epic Battle Fantasy 5, used only by the Dark Clay. It behaves similarly to its EBF3 version, but it no longer inflicts its debuffs randomly; instead, each hit has a chance to inflict a specific stat drop or Doom. The infliction chance and debuff strength are lower (even on higher difficulty levels), but the Doom chance becomes a guarantee on non-resistant players on Hard or Epic; on the other hand, a lack of debuff-resistant equipment and EBF5's changes to buff/debuff stacking mean that players will need to maintain Brave and Morale to avoid having their stats crippled.

While Haunt is technically unavailable to players, the Dark Clay summon uses the spell with similar effects to the foe's version.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Haunt Single 15
Magical 100% Element Dark.png 33%
StatDown Attack.png
StatDown Magic.png
StatDown Defence.png
StatDown Mdef.png
EBF5 Status Doom.png
100% 10% 10%
Notes: All debuff chances increased to 50% on Hard or Epic difficulty.
Doom chance increased to 100% on Hard or Epic difficulty.


  • The Dark Players use Haunt's animation during their death animation, but this is purely a visual effect and has no effect on them or the players.