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[[File:Summon {{{Name}}}.png|center]]

{{{Name}}} SP Whether the summon cures Freeze from players by forcing them to move (jump off the screen)
{{{Description}}} {{{SP}}} Kept
Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
{{{Target}}} -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- --

Used in EBF4 and EBF5 summon pages. To use the template, insert the code below within a table at the page where you want to use it and add all the necessary information. Not all parameters have to be filled. Parameters not filled can and should be left out completely.

|Game = 
|Name = 
|CustomIcon = (use only if an icon isn't displayed automatically)
|Description = 
|SP = 
|Freeze = ("Cured" if using the summon automatically cures Freeze from players. Defaults to "Kept")
|Target = 
|Power = 
|Type = ("Physical" to display Attack icon, "Magical" for Magic Attack icon, "None" for -- (default). Accepts custom stuff for complicated abilities)
|CustomElement = (use only when Element and Element% are not enough to describe the attack)
|Element% = 
|Element = 
|StatusChance = 
|StatusStrength = 
|StatusIcon = 
|Acc = 
|Crit = 
|RdF = 
|Note = (in case any extra notes are required, e.g., version differences)