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|Attack№ = 
|Target№ = 
|Power№ = 
|R.Power№ =
|Type№1 = 
|Element%№ = 
|Element№ =
|StatusChance№ = 
|StatusStrength№ = 
|StatusIcon№ = 
|Acc№ = 
|RdF№ = 
|Notes№ = 
(repeat those with №)

Attack = Some attacks have no official names; in that case, try to come up with a short but visuals-descriptive name. All player-accessible spells should be linked to. This parameter must be specified.

Target = Targetting mode. This parameter must be specified.

Power = Attack's power. For multi-hit attacks, use total power/number of hits, e.g., 60/3. For abilities that do no damage or healing, leave the parameter empty.

R.Power = The additional randomly added Power specific attacks have. For those that don't have any added R.Power, leave the parameter empty.

Type1 = Whether the attack is "Physical" or "Magical". When the ability has no direct damage or the heal doesn't scale off caster's stats, use "None" (default). Accepts custom values for complicated attacks.

Element% = Element degree/percentage. Leave empty if the ability is non-elemental or does no damage. Is added before the next parameter, allowing to fiddle around for complicated attacks.

Element: Attack's element. Use "None" (default) if the ability is non-elemental or healing. This parameter utilizes "ElemIcon", so check those to see what can be entered.

StatusChance = Chance of inflicting a status/(de)buff. If it guaranteedly applies and cannot miss, leave the parameter empty. Read the hovertip for more details. Leave empty if the attack may not inflict any effects.

StatusStrength = Length/strength of the effect. In format like "3x" for status effects and "20%" for (de)buffs, without the - for debuffs. If the status isn't lasting (like Dispel) or the attack has no statuses/(de)buffs, leave this parameter empty.

StatusIcon = An icon to display. It is recommended to use the "Si" template.

Acc = Attack's accuracy. Leave empty if accuracy is not applicable (for buffs and healing).

RdF = Randomness factor, depicts damage dispersion. Leave empty if inapplicable (for non-damaging abilities).

Notes = Some attacks are complicated and cannot be described with just those parameters. This is where Notes become useful. They are present as is, and are used for explaining any other aspects of the attack, such as increased status chance on higher difficulties. Leave empty if no Notes are necessary.