Spark Shower

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Spark Shower is an expert Thunder-elemental skill available for Anna in Epic Battle Fantasy 5. Spark Shower is the upgraded version of Spark Arrow.


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Spark Shower is a powerful Thunder attack, unique in the fact that its number of hits depends on how many foes there are present. However, while Spark Shower does fire as many arrows as there are foes, it targets all arrows randomly, meaning it may spread out the damage evenly, concentrate on certain foes, or just hit one target repeatedly. It also has a decent chance of inflicting Stun, though the randomness of the targeting somewhat hampers its use for applying Stun.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Spark Shower is the upgraded version of Spark Arrow. Spark Shower can either fire one arrow for each foe, dealing highly random damage or target a single foe for heavy damage (in which case it acts like Spark Arrow).

EBF5 Skill Spark Shower.png
Spark Shower
Powerful thunder attack: One arrow is fired for each foe, but they hit random targets. It can also be focused on a single target for more damage.
  • May stun targets.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Random | Single Physical 100% EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Status Stun.png 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
3 50* | 140 30% | 85% 1x | 1x 1000
4 70* | 180 40% | 100% 1x | 1x 2000
5 90* | 190 50% | 120% 1x | 1x 4000
Note: *Power of each arrow, with one arrow being fired for every foe present.
Status is applied on each arrow.