Loving Aura

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Loving Aura granting Lovable to the whole team.

Loving Aura is a status-inflicting skill available for NoLegs in Epic Battle Fantasy 5.


Upon use, a large red heart appears on the target(s), being quickly surrounded by a cluster of smaller pink hearts that gives the targets the Lovable status. This is the same animation as Cherish, but potentially applied to all players in quick succession.

Loving Aura has similar applications as Cherish, but with the added option of affecting the entire party at once; like all hybrid skills, the effects are significantly stronger if focused on a single player. Its multi-target version is one of the party's quickest options to force enemies into their Lovable-specific patterns if their capturing score is high enough, but a 3-turn cooldown means that it's best paired with Sharpen if the player needs to make use of it for a prolonged period. On the other hand, the focused version gives one player a whopping nine stacks of Lovable, mostly protecting them from direct attack for a substantial length of time.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Loving Aura is the final form of Cherish, available when the skill is upgraded to Level 3.

EBF5 Skill Loving Aura.png
Loving Aura
Gives lovable status to all players. It can also be focused on one player for a stronger effect.
  • Has a 3-turn cooldown.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Allies | Ally -- ---- EBF5 Status Lovable.png -- -- --
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
3 -- -- 2x | 9x 2500