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Hailstorm is an Ice-elemental special skill available for Natalie, Lance, and Anna in Epic Battle Fantasy 4.


When Hailstorm is cast, everyone on the field is pelted with tiny ice chunks that deal modest magical Ice damage. Hailstorm has low Accuracy and double the normal critical hit rate.

Hailstorm is decently strong for its relatively low MP cost, at the expense of hitting allies as well as foes: however, players usually have more Magic Defence than foes, so they'll suffer minimal damage from the hail. Unfortunately, Hailstorm is outclassed by Ice Storm for damage purposes, and Cloudburst is more effective at removing things like Burn or Berserk; Hailstorm can be used to quickly remove Wet from the field, but not much else.

In the v3 update, its MP cost was slightly increased, and it now only hits once but has a high chance to inflict Freeze. While this makes it a bit more useful as a way to lock down the foes (particularly when combined with sources of Wet), it also makes it a lot more risky to use if the players don't have proper Freeze resistance or immunity themselves.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Hailstorm is unlocked by completing a quest in Goldenbrick Resort for Pam

EBF4 Skill Hailstorm.png
Hits all foes and allies. High chance of freezing the targets.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Everyone Magical 100% Element Ice.png Status Freeze.png 80% 20% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 20 (20/3) {18/3} 20% 1x 12 (10) 100
2 40 (40/3) {39/3} 25% 1x 20 (15) 500
3 60 (60/3) 30% 1x 28 (20) 2000
Note: Stats in parenthesis (below/right from actual) are for its pre-v3 update version.
Stats in braces (below/right from actual) are for its pre-v2 update version.
Prior to the v3 update, it did not inflict Freeze.