Epic Battle Fantasy 5 Map/E9 Redpine Town

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Exits World Map Index
E8 Redpine Town
D9 Redpine Town F9 Redpine Town
C 10 3 Earth Ball 1 Dark Rune 2 Earth Ball
F 01 1 Sapphire 6 Soft Wood
M 09 1 Chili Pepper 2 Dragon Fruit 1 Cloudberries
P 09 1 Golden Ticket 1 Gold Plate
Foes 1st Wave 2nd Wave 3rd Wave
C 03 3 Chocolate Slime
2 Slime Mouse
3 Cat Bomber 3 Thorny Creep
2 Chocolate Slime
H 09 3 Chocolate Slime
2 Steam Fish
3 Cat Sniper 2 Brown Bear
2 Steam Fish
1 Big Chocolate Slime

Note: Albrecht's quest must be completed to make Roku's quest available.

Quests Requirements Rewards
D 05 Roku 7 Star Ball 1 The Holy Grail, Seven Swords, 1 Star Fragment
F 07 Albrecht 1 Dark Matter, 1 Plutonium Core, 30 Gunpowder Energy, 1 Red Pill, 1 Potato

* Before the v2 update, Roku gave 1 Diamond instead of Seven Swords.