Epic Battle Fantasy 4 Map/K3 Campsite

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Image 268 big.png
  • Get the second Blood Orb and go back to the door.
    • Gem Idol: Two waves.
      • Wave #1: Three Gem Idols and two Sand Slimes
      • Wave #2: Two Gem Idols, two Sand Slimes, and one Big Sand Slime
    • Ancient Eye: Two waves. (guards Chest #2)
      • Wave #1: Three Ancient Eyes and two Gem Idols
      • Wave #2: Three Ancient Eyes and two Copper Fishes
    • White Clay: Two waves. (guards Chest #3)
      • Wave #1: Three Clay Idols and two White Clays
      • Wave #2: Two Yellow Clays, two White Clays, and one Ancient Monolith
    • Chest #1: 1 Gold Key, 4 Pineapple, and 2 RAM Chip
    • Chest #2: Air Badge (flair), 1 Ham, 3 Coffee
    • Chest #3: 2 Gold Plate, 2 Ruby, 4 Steel Plate
    • Chest #4 (requires Gold Key): 1 Cake, 1 Donut, 1 Diamond