Epic Battle Fantasy 4 Map/I6 Crystal Caverns

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Image 362 big.png
  • Light the torches for light.
    • Ice Elemental: Two waves. (guards Chest #1)
      • Wave #1: Two Frost Sprites and two Ice Elementals
      • Wave #2: Two Glacier Turtles and two Ice Elementals
    • Viking Monolith: Two waves. (must be cleared to progress)
      • Wave #1: Two Ice Idols and one Viking Monolith
      • Wave #2: Two Ice Idols, two Viking Monoliths, and one Frozen Eye
    • Glacier Turtle: Two waves.
      • Wave #1: Two Furry Slimes, two Glacier Turtles, and one Snail
        • Prior to the Battle Mountain update, it had more Snails instead of Furry Slimes.
      • Wave #2: Two Snow Bushes, two Glacier Turtles, and one Frost Sprite
    • Secret #1: (On the small stalagmite to the right of the large stalagmite on the upper left corner) 6 Iron Ore, 4 Concrete
    • Chest #1: 1 Orange Juice, 3 Crisps, 1 Chips
    • Chest #2: Sapphire Giant (sword), 1 Sushi, 1 Solid Water