Distortion Field

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Distortion Field being used on a group of slimes.

Distortion Field is a Dark-elemental skill in Epic Battle Fantasy 5 used by foes and available to players through the special effects of equipment.


When cast, a series of black and red rhombuses along with several red 0s and 1s manifest and flicker all around the targets. This deals magical Dark-elemental damage with a chance to cause Invisible and a Magic Defence debuff.

The skill is essentially a multi target version of Space Distortion.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Since the v2 update, Distortion Field is available to players as an auto spell from the Alt Dark Bobble (female hat). It is also used by the Cosmic Monolith.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Distortion Field All Variable Magical 50% EBF5 Element Dark.png 25%
EBF5 Status Invisible.png
EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png
100% 10% 10%
Notes: Power is 120 when initiated as an auto spell or 40 otherwise.
Status strength increased to 5x when used by foes.