Bullet Heaven 2/Characters

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The game features a total of eight playable characters. Each one has three alternative sub weapons to choose from, as well as four cosmetic costumes that change their appearance (useful in Multiplayer mode to distinguish the players) and boost certain abilities.

Initially only Matt and NoLegs, with their default sub weapon and costume, are available. Remaining characters and equipment are bought in the item shop: characters for 5,000 coins (premium characters for 10,000 coins), which come with their default sub weapon and costume, sub weapons for 3,000 coins, and costumes for 500 to 1,500 coins.


Main article: Matt

Main weapon shoots straight ahead in a focused line, and spreads a little when charged. Average movement speed.


  • Holy Swords (default) - Shoots two streams of swords while the button is held. Basically strengthens your main weapon. 
  • Titan Blade - Unleashes a huge sword that pierces through everything within its very short range. Uses 25% of your sub weapon charge.
  • Swift Sabre - Shoots a single stream of swords while the button is held, and locks onto the nearest foe.


  • Heaven's Gate (default) - Matt's trademark sword and pirate costume. Boosts your weapon charge rates slightly.
  • Chili Pepper - A spicy pepper that can also fly. Makes Matt red. Increases your time to use a bomb after getting hit.
  • Pink Flower - Turns Matt into a fabulous hippy dude. Increases your item-grabbing radius.
  • Cactus Slice - Dyes Matt's clothes green with cactus juice. Boosts your bomb damage.


Main article: Natalie

Main weapon is angled towards movement direction, and spreads when charged. Slow movement speed.


  • Raging Firestorm (default) - When activated, two magic balls follow the player and shoot forward. Uses all sub weapon charge unless deactivated or destroyed.
  • Homing Fireballs - Shoots four balls that chase the nearest foes. Uses 33% of your sub weapon charge.
  • Blessed Ball - Leaves behind a huge stationary ball that shoots forward. Uses all sub weapon charge unless deactivated or destroyed.


  • Light Wings (default) - Natalie's trademark angel wings and white-mage dress. Boosts your weapon charge rates slightly.
  • Red Wings - Sharp wings that come with Natalie's red dress. Increases your graze radius.
  • Dark Wings - Natalie becomes a goth. Or maybe even an emo. Increases your time to use a bomb after getting hit.
  • Green Wings - Turns Natalie into some sort of garden fairy or something. Increases the length of power-ups from items.


Main article: Lance

Main weapon is angled towards movement direction, shoots in two streams, and pierces foes when charged. Slow movement speed.


  • Cluster Bomb (default) - Shoots a bomb that explodes into many bullets. Most powerful at point blank range. Uses 25% of your sub weapon charge.
  • Cannon Blast - Hold the button to increase the range, and release for a powerful blast. Uses 33% of your sub weapon charge.
  • Plasma Beam - Shoots a concentrated beam while the button is held, and is angled towards your movement direction.


  • Iron Wings (default) - Lance's new flying machine and trademark uniform. Boosts your weapon charge rates slightly.
  • Copper Wings - Lance gets a brown uniform and matching wings. Boosts your bomb damage.
  • Mythril Wings - Lance gets a new set of wings, with a blue-ish hue. Boosts your movement speed.
  • Titanium Wings - Lance wonders how these chunky things even fly. Increases your invincibility time after bombs or damage.


Main article: Anna

Main weapon automatically locks onto the nearest foe, and spreads a bit when charged. Average movement speed.


  • Nature Shield (default) - When activated, four big leaves orbit the player and shoot forward. Uses all sub weapon charge unless deactivated or destroyed.
  • Razor Leaf - Shoots waves of leaves forward while the button is held.
  • Gaia Blossom - Hold the button to increase the range, and release for a blast of leaves. Uses 20% of your sub weapon charge.


  • Big Leaf (default) - Anna rides on a leaf and wears her trademark ranger clothes. Boosts your weapon charge rates slightly.
  • Log Slice - A slice of wood that can somehow fly with Anna on top. Maybe it's a frisbee. Increases your item-grabbing radius.
  • A Banana - Anna's favourite banana. Increases your invincibility time after bombs or damage.
  • Orange Slice - Anna makes orange juice while shooting stuff up. Increases your time to use a bomb after getting hit.


Main article: NoLegs

Main weapon shoots forward while scattering slightly, and shoots faster when charged. Fast movement speed.


  • Star Torpedo (default) - Shoots two big stars forward, which explode on contact into smaller stars. Uses 33% of your sub weapon charge.
  • Star Shower - Shoots four big stars to your sides which then go forward. Uses 25% of your sub weapon charge.
  • Shooting Star - Leaves behind a huge stationary star that shoots forward for a while. Uses 25% of your sub weapon charge.


  • Yellow Star (default) - NoLegs' favourite method of transport. Boosts your weapon charge rates slightly.
  • Blue Star - Turns NoLegs into a gray rat-like cat. Boosts your movement speed.
  • Orange Pillow - Turns NoLegs into a brown and messy farm cat. Boosts your bomb damage.
  • Pink Pillow - Turns NoLegs into a black cat with cute white patches. Increases the length of power-ups from items.

Dry NoLegs


Main weapon automatically locks onto the nearest foe, and spreads when charged. Fast movement speed.


  • Dark Knives (default) - Shoots three streams of knives forward while the button is held.
  • Bullet Hell - Shoots lots of flames while the button is held. Spreads out greatly, and is strongest at close range.
  • Blade Wall - Shoots very slow moving swords while the button is held.


  • Dry Leaf (default) - Dry NoLegs' trademark leaf. Boosts your weapon charge rates slightly.
  • Prickly Leaf - Dry NoLegs rides a leaf. It's a leaf. Wow. Increases your invincibility time after bombs or damage.
  • Cursed Rock - Turns Dry NoLegs into a red devil of hell. Boosts your bomb damage.
  • Spiky Platform - Turns Dry NoLegs into an evil gargoyle or something. Increases your time to use a bomb after getting hit.

Slime Bunny

Main article: Slime Bunny

Main weapon shoots forward in three streams, and shoots faster when charged. Slow movement speed.


  • Angel Lights (default) - Shoots out two balls that chase the nearest foes and explode into bullets on contact. Uses 33% of your sub weapon charge. 
  • Mystic Wave - Shoots four streams of holy flames forward while the button is held. Basically strengthens your main weapon.
  • Judgement Flame - Shoots a single stream of flames while the button is held, and locks on to the nearest foe.


  • Magic Carrot (default) - Slime Bunny's favourite hat. Boosts your weapon charge rates slightly.
  • Magic Apple - Slime Bunny wears this apple on her head, and foes try to shoot her in the face. Increases your graze radius.
  • Magic Sweet - A sticky sweet that gets stuck to Slime Bunny's blobby head. Boosts your movement speed.
  • Magic Heart - Slime Bunny wears her heart on her head. Sounds like a medical emergency. Increases the length of power-ups from items.


Main article: Phyrnna

Main weapon shoots straight ahead in a focused line, and shoots in five streams when charged. Average movement speed.


  • Soothing Song (default) - Shoots very slow moving musical notes while the button is held.
  • Sonic Boom - Hold the button to increase the range, and release for a blast of musical notes. Uses 33% of your sub weapon charge.
  • Tragic Tune - Shoots two streams of musical notes forward while the button is held. Basically strengthens your main weapon.


  • Angel Wings (default) - Phyrnna becomes an angel with beautiful wings. Boosts your weapon charge rates slightly.
  • Fairy Wings - Phyrnna becomes a fairy with butterfly-like wings. Boosts your movement speed.
  • Bug Wings - Phyrnna becomes a bug. Not sure exactly what kind of bug though. Increases your item-grabbing radius.
  • Bat Wings - Phyrnna becomes a bat... or just dresses up in black. Boosts your bomb damage.