Armor Crush

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Emo0077.jpg "Ouch, that attack takes a lot out of my back! (I need to lift more weights...)"
―Lance, Epic Battle Fantasy 5
Lance crushing a Flame Sprite, EBF4.

Armor Crush, known simply as Crush before EBF5, is a weapon-elemental skill available for Lance since Epic Battle Fantasy 3.


Upon casting Lance pulls out his gun, lunges at a foe and slams them with the gun. This deals weapon-elemental damage, and causes the target to lose defensive buffs in EBF3, or inflict Dispel in other games.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Crush only removes target's Defence and Magic Defence buffs, other stats and status effects remain unaffected. This effect will work even if the attack itself misses.

EBF3 Skill Crush.png
Attack that cancels the target's defence and magic defence buffs.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Physical Element Weapon.png Element Weapon.png 95% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 50 (100%) (100%) 10 300
2 75 (100%) (100%) 15 1000
3 100 (100%) (100%) 20 3000
EBF3 Skill Unleash (Lance).png
Note: Has 2 separate instances of 50% chance to activate bonus skills; for Red Vulcan's Flameshot specifically, both can activate at once, with first one having 100% of host skill's power and second one having 70%. For all other guns, only one can activate at once (and always with the second initiator's power), averaging 75% chance to trigger bonus skills at 70% of host skill's base power.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Crush now properly inflicts Dispel on the target, and is the only weapon-elemental skill in the game to not have its status effect/debuff dictated by the user's weapon. Its prerequisite has been changed to Snipe, making it available earlier on in the game.

EBF4 Skill Crush.png
Element and effects depend on current weapon. Dispels the target.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Physical Element Weapon.png Status Dispel.png 90% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 50 90% -- 10 300
2 75 95% -- 15 1000
3 100 100% -- 20 3000
EBF4 Skill Snipe.png

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Emo0002.jpg "Do you even lift, bro? You'll break your back if you swing it like that!"
―Matt, Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Renamed Armor Crush, the skill now allows for the application of debuffs at the same time as Dispel. Status effects are still overwritten by Dispel.

It's 200% status chance at max level is especially useful against buffed foes with partial Dispel resistance.

EBF5 Skill Armor Crush.png
Armor Crush
Smashes a target with a melee attack, and dispels them.
  • Element and effects depend on current weapon.
  • Has a 1-turn cooldown.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Physical Element Weapon.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png
Element Weapon.png*
100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
1 70 100%
2 110 150%
3 160 200%
Note: Only applies debuffs from the current weapon, any status effect gets replaced by the skill's Dispel effect.


  • Armor Crush is the only Weapon-elemental skill to overwrite the inflicted status effect with another status.