Antimatter Flux

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"In case you were wondering, my guns are powered by antimatter-catalyzed nuclear pulses!"
―Lance, Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Antimatter Flux (Antimatter in Epic Battle Fantasy 3 and 4) is an expert Dark-elemental skill available for Lance in Epic Battle Fantasy 3, 4 and 5.


When Antimatter is used, Lance fires a blast of Dark-based magic from his equipped gun, which explodes into a white orb with a red and black glow around the edges. The orb releases two spirals of small black orbs with red edges, damaging the entire enemy wave.

Antimatter deals high Dark-elemental damage to a targeted enemy, while all other foes receive 1/3 of the damage.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Antimatter has a chance to Dispel its targets. Shadow Blaster, despite its description saying it boosts Dark-elemental skills, doesn't actually boost Antimatter.

EBF3 Skill Antimatter.png
Expert dark magic. Damage centered on one foe, with the rest receiving 1/3. Chance of dispelling targets.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Centered Magical 75% Element Dark.png Status Dispel.png 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 90 50%/20% -- 18 2000
2 120 50%/20% -- 24 4000
3 150 50%/20% -- 30 8000
EBF3 Skill Darkblast.png
Note: Number before/after the slash in the Status Chance section denotes chance for main and side targets, respectively.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Antimatter can no longer Dispel enemies.

EBF4 Skill Antimatter.png
Expert dark magic. Targets all foes, but damage is centered on one.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Centered Magical 75% Element Dark.png -- 120% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 100 -- -- 18 1500
2 140 -- -- 25 3000
3 180 -- -- 32 6000
EBF4 Skill Dark Shot.png

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Antimatter Flux now debuffs the enemies' Magic Defence. Antimatter Flux is the upgraded form of Gravity Surge, and the final form of Dark Shot. Antimatter Flux can either target a single foe for centered damage or multiple foes for spread out damage (in which case it acts like Gravity Surge).

EBF5 Skill Antimatter Flux.png
Antimatter Flux
Powerful dark shot which centers on one foe, with others taking 1/3 of the damage. It can also target all foes for even damage.
  • May debuff targets' magic defence.
  • Has a 1-turn cooldown.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Centered | All Magical 100% EBF5 Element Dark.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
5 150/3 | 100/3 100% | 100% 25% 1500
6 190/3 | 105/3 125% | 100% 25% 3000
7 240/3 | 110/3 150% | 100% 25% 5000
Note: For the centered version, status chance for side targets is reduced down to 1/3 of the displayed chance