5G Signal

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5G Signal is a debuff skill in Epic Battle Fantasy 4 added with the v3 update of the game, it is accessible only through the special effects of equipment.


When cast, multiple concentric circular orange waves spawn from the center of the screen and slightly spread out before disappearing. This has a high chance to inflict a moderately strong, randomly selected debuff on all enemies.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

It can be accessed by players only as an auto skill from the 5G Tower (gun) added with the v3 update.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
5G Signal All -- -- ---- 100% 35% EBF5 StatDown Random.png* 100% -- --
Notes: *Randomly picks a stat to debuff between Attack, Defence, Magic Attack, Magic Defence, Accuracy and Evade. The selected debuff will be the same for all targets.